Electronic Waste

Diomet specializes in procuring and ethically disposing of electronic waste components, commonly referred to as e-waste. This broad category includes various electronic devices like computers, mobile phones, televisions, and more, which have either reached the end of their useful life or are no longer in use. Our company focuses on purchasing specific components from these devices. Understanding the importance of recycling e-waste and its positive impact on the environment is vital. By recycling e-waste responsibly, we contribute to reducing landfill waste, conserving valuable resources, and safeguarding the environment from harmful materials.

Electronic waste contains valuable and often rare materials, such as precious metals and rare earth elements, that can be recovered and reused. By recycling e-waste, we minimize the need for extracting new raw materials, conserving natural resources and reducing energy consumption associated with manufacturing new electronics. This not only helps in preserving our planet’s resources but also reduces greenhouse gas emissions and environmental pollution.

Our dedicated team of experts follows strict environmental guidelines to ensure that every piece of e-waste we handle undergoes appropriate recycling and processing. We have implemented sustainable solutions that align with our commitment to preserving the planet for future generations. By choosing Diomet, you can have peace of mind knowing that your e-waste is being handled in an environmentally-conscious manner.

In addition to our environmentally-friendly e-waste disposal services, we also offer a seamless and transparent transaction process for those looking to sell their e-waste. Whether you are a company or an individual, Diomet guarantees competitive prices for your materials. We believe in fairness and strive to provide you with the best value for your e-waste, while contributing to the sustainable management of electronic waste.

Electronic waste recycling process:



Mechanical treatment



Shredding and sampling

Analysis and settlement